Help a child escape poverty by providing improved health care and education. our monthly gift to education empowers kids to become adults who earn higher wages, educate their own children, and have a voice in their community
A period should end a sentence, not a girl’s education. Girls face barriers to receiving a quality education because they lack access to affordable and hygienic menstrual products, adequate WASH facilities, and menstrual health education.
Health does not come from direct services alone – individual health is impacted by larger social and community factors. Babu works at the root of these issues to create an environment that makes healthy behavior possible or everyone.
Join for a different "cause" each month. From sideline support, donating money, volunteering and more, there are many ways you can help.
We put children, women and girls in the center because we know that we cannot overcome poverty until all people have equal opportunities.
Men and boys influence women’s and girls’ experiences of menstrual hygiene management (mhm) through many roles,
including as husbands, fathers, brothers, students, peers, teachers, community leaders, entrepreneurs, employers,
development and humanitarian practitioners, and policymakers. while it is necessary to reach men and boys across all these roles,
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Sport activities are a positive factor in children’s lives: Sports improve the lives of children everywhere. These activities incrrease participation of childrens in services for children – including the most marginalized children in Uganda.
Babu Foundation takes parts in sports activities as a way of empowering the vulnerable children and youths in co-curricular activities.
Sports improves the attainment of life skills, such as empowerment, leadership skills and self-esteem. Sports too creates better relationships with the society.